Holy Mountain!
First weekend in January I went on a retreat with my church group. The mountain was about 65 miles east of los angeles, out at the edge of nowhere... It was about as desolate as the pictures show, and also cold and very windy. But as spiritual places go, it was right up there. Most of us were fasting, drinking water mixed with some lemon juice and maple syrup. No, I'm not making this up, and no, I'm not crazy either. The idea was to get rid of as much of the physical world as possible, thereby getting closer to God. Our revalation of the weekend was the more you have cell reception, the less you have spiritual reception.
I won't say a lot about the weekend, other than it was mostly spent in quiet prayer. The only thing I will say is just how alien it was coming back into the city. It wasn't like coming back from a vacation. It was like getting inserted back into the Matrix. Wild.
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